SCPAVRA Christmas Party

Started by jeff, December 14, 2014, 09:36:17 PM

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Hi, all.  Some Christmas Party info:

Saturday, January 17, 2014, Hummelstown Fire Hall, 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM.  We will be setting up starting at 5:00. Help cleaning up at the end of the night would be appreciated!

Good food, games, great time with the SCPAVRA family!

I will be tracking food and attendance so please reply with your attendance and food donation. Food categories are Appetizer, Main Dish, Side Dish/Vegetable, and Dessert.  We will vote and prizes will be given for each category.  Soda, beer, and water will be provided.  If you want any other beverages, please feel free to bring it.

There will also be an Ugly Sweater contest so wear your ugliest sweater and join in the contest!!

I hope to see you at the party!  Always a good time!

Hi, again. The previous post was from me, posting through Jeff.  Thanks, Marge.

Tina and I would not miss it for anything. Unless grandkids are being born that night.LOL......
We will be bringing chicken and what ever else was on the list. I may even bring pumpkin roll and fudge if I feel energetic. Oh yea and don't forget drunk in santas!!!!
Butch Klinger , President

Thanks Marge.  I'll be there!  Award winning app.  Surprise. Something to do with lots of cheeses and sausage.   Kimba

Looking forward to seeing everyone!
Bringing Beef & Bean Chili (also onions and cheese to go with it!)
Will be wearing some very ugly holiday sweaters!!!

  we will be there  with a cake type dessert (peanutbuttery) and a hideous bad sweater cannot wait

Our kid Jon and Katie will be attending. They will be bringing buffalo chicken dip.
Butch Klinger , President

Corey and Tara will be there, and I will be bringing pulled pork and fixens for pork tacos

Dave and Michelle will be there. They are planning macaroni and potato salad. And possible up side cake.
Butch Klinger , President

Jim & Cindy will be there , unsure of dish yet maybe peanut butter pie. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all. :P

I'll be there. I'll think of something to bring.

Janelle and I will there. Going to make a soup and a dessert.

I will be there.  I have no idea what I'm bringing,  but I am bringing something.

Count Marlene and me in.  Bringing a dessert. 

Just me. Mac n Cheese in crock pot.